wilted lettuce is gross
While dining in a restaurant on the West coast, Jesse was underwhelmed by the quality of produce served. Salads are supposed to be nutritious, colourful, and fresh, not quite the salad received. Paying more for a sub-par product is just compost.
Jesse explored the West coast; greeting farmers, market owners and grocery store operators only to discover the long adventure produce endured to reach it's consumption destination. With experience in modifying a shipping container into a produce growing box, Jesse jumped on the unique opportunity. Seeing a business idea, the decision was made to pursue it.
that grew into an idea
Shipping containers and fresh produce are not words that typically go together. However, when combined, amazing things can happen. With the dream of enriching the lives of others, Botany Box
and botany box was born
Research was done, creation second, and the first unit produced to hit the market with one goal in mind; selling to like-minded customers who desire fresh fruits, vegetables, and foliage, created in optimal, organic growing conditions, 365 days of the year. Here's to a lifetime of tasteful salads.

meet the team

Jesse Hammer

contact us
We love hearing from intrigued parties and interested future customers. Any and all questions you have are welcome. Whether you want to buy a box or simply chat about growing produce we're here to help. Send us an email or give us a call. Click below for more information.
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